Selasa, 08 November 2016


Climate change issues has undergone a transformation of global issues into the national strategic issues, and move on to the issue of the regional level. All areas are already feeling the impact of climate change, the rise in temperature and drought. If this condition is not overcomed along with the concept of sustainable development in Indonesia can be certained to fail.

Failed because sustainability indicators not achieved, such as the increasing number, frequency and widespread disaster in Indonesia (Sudibyakto, 2014). To reduce the impact of climate change, the Directorate General of Climate Change Control, Ministry of Forestry of Indonesia together the Association of Experts on Climate Change and Forestry (APIK) Indonesia seeks to synergize the role of academics, environmental practitioners, and local governments in a real work plan.

APIK-Indonesia is a forum set up in 2014 to establish communication and synergy between academics, researchers and practitioners climate change and the environment in Indonesia. The role of APIK Indonesia is thinker and actor that can synergize with all stakeholders in boosting the mitigation efforts, as well as information liaison to the research results and the availability of expertise associated with climate change and forest management (Masripatin, 2014).

At the local level such as Java which has problems of population explosion and the decrease in support of the environment, being very vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. This realization led to the mitigation of climate change is an important thing to be mainstreamed in the development plan (Karuniasa, 2014). The number of environmental issues that affect their social, economic and ecological provide opportunities for APIK to do more to create a breakthrough in contributing to the solution options.

Role of Community Forests

Population density and dynamics of economic growth has eroded the natural resources on the island of Java up to the current conditions, led to the development of the threat to life and sustainable development. One effective way to maintain the carrying capacity of the natural environment in the midst of the insistence of population and climate change is to take benefit of the large number of population to do something to repair and improve environmental quality.

It is believed that small-scale activities carried out by a large number of community can give positive impact more powerful than high-tech big projects which bring the risk of economic-social-political and  environments. Community-based activities can also have bring a direct impact on improving welfare.

Delay Cutting

Very interesting when NGOs Arupa did in study of climate change on society Terong village, Dlingo subdistrict, Bantul regency, Yogyakarta Province that they have the culture to harvest and sell trees were not yet ready to harvest, because it demands urgent needs. The impact of "Tebang Butuh' (Cutting/Harvesting Needed) these are the decline in value of the timber, the threat of forest conservation, and climate change in the long term.

Therefore, the village formed a cooperative 'Tunda Tebang' (Delay Cutting) to address these problems (Arupa, 2014). The name of cooperative is KTT Jasema. Members can borrow with a maximum loan of IDR 5 million. Uniquely, members can ensure a tree as collateral for loans. Trees that can be used as collateral is a tree with a circumference of 60 cm and some types of trees found at the rules of KTT Jasema (Arupa, 2014).

Expected climate change mitigation community - based models of micro-finance or cooperative institutions  'Delay Cutting' can be widespread, so it can play an active role in reducing the impact of climate change

*) Arif Sulfiantono (secretary of APIK-Indonesia chapter Yogyakarta Province)
@Peking University, November 8, 2016, 22.00 pm

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