Gunung Merapi tercatat sebagai salah satu gunung yang sangat aktif di dunia. Keberadaannya memberikan banyak berkah dan manfaat bagi masyarakat sekitarnya, namun juga mempunyai potensi bencana yang berakibat negatif. Letusan-letusan pada waktu-waktu lalu menunjukkan kewaspadaan masyarakat sangat penting untuk selalu dijaga sehingga usaha dan upaya mitigasi bencana mempunyai nilai keberlanjutan yang nyata. Kini, saat kawasan hutan Gunung Merapi berada dalam pengelolaan Balai Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi, tentunya upaya mitigasi bencana menjadi bagian yang mesti diupayakan selalu. Upaya mitigasi bencana tersebut seharusnya melibatkan berbagai pihak terkait, termasuk masyarakat lokal.
Masyarakat lokal umumnya memiliki pengetahuan lokal dan kearifan ekologi dalam memprediksi dan melakukan mitigasi bencana alam di daerahnya. Pengetahuan lokal tersebut biasanya diperoleh dari pengalaman empiris yang kaya akibat berinteraksi dengan ekosistemnya. Contoh kasus adalah peristiwa erupsi G. Merapi pada tahun 2006; dimana terjadi peningkatan aktivitas sampai level AWAS dengan konsekuensi masyarakat yang bermukim di kawasan gunung merapi harus diungsikan. Pengungsian dimulai dengan bantuan aparat dan relawan. Adalah Mbah Maridjan dan kerabatnya tidak menunjukkan kegelisahan dan kegugupan, masih tetap tenang-tenang saja. Kenapa Mbah kok tidak ikut mengungsi? Mbah Marijan menjawab dengan tenang, “Memang ada apa?, G Merapi saat ini belum mau meletus, masih batuk-batuk saja dan kenalpotnya tidak mengarah kesini. Jadi kenapa saya harus ribut, dan saya belum dapat wangsit dari eyang merapi.”
Indonesia merupakan salah satu wilayah yang berada dalam ”Ring of Fire” gunung berapi. Ada 129 gunung berapi aktif yang memanjang dari kepulauan Sumatra, Jawa, hingga Indonesia bagian timur. Jalur inilah yang oleh para ahli kemudian disebut ring of fire. Perlu disadari bahwa dibalik keindahan puncak-puncak gunung, keasrian hutan yang hijau, kawasan-kawasan yang subur, pegunungan yang sejuk; sesungguhnya terdapat ancaman dahsyat yang harus selalu diwaspadai.
Kewaspadaan akan bencana letusan gunung berapi ditunjukkan oleh masyarakat Merapi berupa kemampuan untuk memprediksi kemungkinan terjadinya letusan. Mbah Maridjan dan kerabatnya menolak mengungsi karena belum memperoleh tanda-tanda alam Gunung Merapi akan meletus, seperti (1) turunnya hewan-hewan liar dari puncak di luar kebiasaan dalam kondisi lingkungan normal, (2) burung-burung atau hewan lainnya masih berbunyi, (3) pohon-pohon di dekat puncak Merai belum ada yang mati layu/kering.
Secara etik, penggunaan indikator alam tersebut cukup rasional mengingat berbagai jenis binatang dengan instingnya memiliki kepekaan tinggi dalam merasakan kian meningkatnya suhu tanah akibat meningkatnya tingkat aktivitas Gunung Merapi sehingga mereka pindah tempat (Triyoga: 1991).Selain itu dalam menghindari risiko bencana Gunung Merapi meletus, warga lokal di lereng Gunung Merapi juga mempunyai kearifan lokal dalam membangun permukiman di lingkungan yang penuh risiko bencana alam letusan gunung api. Permukiman tersebut bisanya berkelompok di lahan datar dengan dikelilingi tegalan.
Rumah-rumah senantiasa didirikan menghadap ke arah yang berlawanan dengan Gunung Merapi. Maksudnya, berdasakan pandangan mereka, agar rumah-rumah tersebut tidak dimasuki makhluk halus pengganggu yang menghuni Gunung Merapi. Namun, secara etik dapat ditafsirkan bahwa rumah-rumah tempat tinggal tersebut dibangun menghadap ke arah jalan utama desa yang membujur ke arah utara-selatan atau selatan-utara agar sekiranya terjadi letusan, mereka dapat dengan segera melarikan diri menuju jalan utama desa.
Tantangan bagi kita semua adalah bagaimana kita dengan sepenuhnya dapat menikmati dan mensyukuri kekayaan alam dan secara simultan dapat menyikapi dan menghindarkan dampak negatif dari kejadian alam yang kita sebut bencana alam itu? Ki Hadjar Dewantara mewariskanpada kita ilmu dan dan pengetahuan pamungkas, yaitu N3: Niteni, Niroake, dan Nambahake. (Kadiman, 2006). Niteni (dengan kata dasar titen) adalah perilaku yang menjadi ciri kaum terdidik yang dapat diperoleh melalui bangku sekolah atau melalui pengetahuan turun-temurun untuk selalu ingin tahu dan mengenali alam. Dengan bekal niteni ini, dapat diketahui bahwa tanah menjadi subur akibat meletusnya gunung api yang memuntahkan berbagai unsur alam yang lengkap dan setelah beberapa lama akan melengkapi unsur hara dalam tanah.
Jika niteni fokus pada upaya mengetahui dan mengenali berbagai kejadian alam. Niroake atau menirukan adalah langkah selanjutnya dari hasil niteni, yaitu berupaya menirukan kejadian alam yang telah diketahui dan dipahami untuk tujuan memenuhi kebutuhan manusia. Sedangkan nambahake adalah upaya memberi nilai tambah dari kejadian alam yang telah di kuasai dan bisa ditirukan tersebut.
Getaran-getaran seismik akibat aktivitas gunung api, turun-naiknya temperatur, tekanan udara, pergeseran pola magnetik, perubahan perilaku binatang, adalah beberapa contoh dari tanda-tanda alam yang boleh jadi disebabkan oleh gesekan dan tubrukan lempengan bumi. Dengan mengenali perilaku alam ini, kemudian kita bisa menirukannya, tentu tidak dengan sempurna karena berbagai keterbatasan yang ada. Dalam ilmu logis, upaya niroake (menirukan) ini kemudian dikenal dengan istilah simulasi yang banyak digunakan sebagai upaya memenuhi kebutuhan kita. Melalui simulasi ini kita bisa memberi peringatan dini letusan gunung api. Titen yang dipraktikkan Mbah Maridjan, juru kunci Gunung Merapi, adalah pendekatan holistik yang sebetulnya merupakan N3 yang komplementer dari iptek logis: geologi, geofisik, dan biofisik.
Maka dari itu, kehadiran even Festival Merapi 2009 di Gedung Kusnadi Hardjasumantri (Purna Budaya) UGM, 15 November 2009 dengan mengusung tema “Hidup Harmonis bersama Bencana Merapi” harapannya dapat diapresiasi positif. Sebab acara ini mempunyai tujuan utama menyampaikan informasi mengenai fungsi ekologis dan juga mitigasi bencana di kawasan Gunung Merapi kepada masyarakat. Terlebih lagi dalam even ini ada beberapa kegiatan: 1. Pameran (video/movie, poster, maket sabo, serta modul pendidikan bencana); 2. Demonstrasi Bousai Duck & Dance (tarian dan permainan anak dari Jepang terkait bencana); 3. Perlombaan (menggambar, mewarnai, maket merapi dari bahan makanan tradisional, fotografi, karikatur); 4. Pertunjukan komedi lokal ”Obrolan Angkring”, tentang pengelolaan bencana Merapi dan aktivitas penambangan sedimen. Harapan akhir dari even ini adalah dapat tercapai Merapi yang Lestari; Masyarakat Sejahtera. Semoga.
Local Wisdom Supporting Disaster Mitigation
Mount Merapi listed as one of the most active volcano in the world. Its existence gives many blessings and benefits to the surrounding community, but also has the potential disasters that have negative consequences. Eruptions at the times and show the public awareness is very important to always be maintained so that mitigation efforts and have a real value of sustainability. Now, when the forest is in the management of Merapi Volcano National Park (MVNP), of course, be a part of disaster mitigation efforts that should always be pursued. Mitigation efforts should involve various stakeholders, including local communities.
Local people generally have local knowledge and ecological wisdom in predicting and mitigating natural disasters in the region. Local knowledge is usually obtained from the rich empirical experience from interacting with its ecosystem. An example is the eruption event Merapi Volcano in 2006; where there is an increase in activity until the ‘CAUTION’ level with the consequences of people living in the area of Merapi Volcano have been evacuated. Displacement began with the help of officials and volunteers. Mbah Maridjan (care taker of Merapi Volcano) and relatives are not showing anxiety and nervousness, still remain calm. “Why not take refuge Mbah? Mbah Marijan replied calmly, "There's what? G Merapi would not erupt at this time, still coughing and exhaust it does not lead here. So why do I need to fuss, and I have yet to be news of the 'Lord of Merapi'.”
Indonesia is one area that is in the "Ring of Fire" volcanoes. There are 129 active volcanoes that extends from the islands of Sumatra, Java, Indonesia to the east. This is the path which experts later called ring of fire. Be aware that behind the beauty of mountain peaks, the beauty of green forests, fertile regions, the cool mountains of fact there is a tremendous threat that must always be wary of.
Awareness of the catastrophic eruption of the Merapi Volcano in the form shown by the ability to predict the likelihood of an eruption. Mbah Maridjan and his relatives refused to evacuate because they have not obtained the natural signs of Merapi Volcano will erupt, such as (1) the decline of wild animals out of the ordinary summit in normal environmental conditions, (2) birds or other animals are still read, (3) the trees near the summit Merai no one has died withered / dry.
In ethics, the use of natural indicators are quite reasonable considering the different types of animals with instincts have high sensitivity to perceive the ever increasing levels of soil temperature due to increased volcanic activity, so they change places (Triyoga; 1991). In addition, in avoiding the risk of catastrophic eruption of Merapi Volcano, local residents on the slopes of Merapi Volcano, also have local knowledge in building settlements in an environment full of natural disaster risk volcanic eruptions. Settlements are usually clustered on flat land surrounded by fields.
The houses are always set up facing the opposite direction of Merapi Volcano. That is, based on the views of those, so that these houses are not entered into the spirits who inhabit the Merapi Volcano bullies. However, the conduct can be interpreted that the dwelling houses were built facing the main road that ran north-south or south-north to had the eruption occurred, they can quickly escape to the main street of the village.
The challenge for us all is how we can fully enjoy and appreciate the natural wealth and simultaneously to address and avoid the negative impact of natural events that we call the natural disaster. Ki Hajar Dewantara and pass on our knowledge and ultimate knowledge, namely 3N: Niteni, Niroake, and Nambahake (Kadiman, 2006).
Niteni (‘titen’ basic words) are the behaviors that characterize the educated can be obtained through school or through knowledge passed down through generations to always want to know and recognize the nature. With the provision of this niteni, it is known that the soil became infertile due to the eruption of a volcano that spewed various elements of a comprehensive nature and after a while it will complement the nutrients in the soil.
If niteni focus on efforts to find and recognize a variety of natural events. Niroake or imitation is the next step of the niteni, which is trying to mimic the natural events that have been known and understood for the purpose of meeting human needs. While nambahake is an effort to add value from a natural occurrence that has been in control and can be imitated them.
Seismic vibrations caused by volcanic activity, down-rising temperature, air pressure, a shift in the magnetic patterns, changes in animal behavior, are some examples of the signs of nature that may be caused by friction and collision of earth plates. By recognizing the nature of this behavior, then we can imitate, certainly not perfect due to various limitations. In the science of logic, niroake effort (mimicking) is then known as the simulation is widely used as an effort to meet our needs. Through these simulations we can give early warning of volcanic eruptions. Mbah Maridjan Titen practiced, caretaker of Merapi Volcano, which is actually a holistic approach that is complementary 3N of logical science: geology, geophysics, and biophysics.
Therefore, the presence of Merapi Festival 2009 event at Kusnadi Hardjasumantri Building UGM, 15 November 2009 with the theme "Living in Harmony with Merapi Disaster" can be appreciated positive expectations. Because this event has the primary purpose of conveying information about the ecological functions and disaster mitigation in the region of Mount Merapi to the public. Even more so in the event there are several activities: 1. Exhibition (video/movie, posters, mockups sabo, and disaster education modules) 2. Demonstration Bousai Duck & Dance (dance and children's games from Japan-related disasters); 3. Race (drawing, painting, trim mockups of traditional food, photography, caricature); 4. Local comedy show "Chat Angkring", about the management of the eruptions and sediment mining activities. Hope this is the end of the event can be achieved Sustainable Merapi; Prosperous Communities. Hope.
Yogyakarta, 9 November 2009
Arif Sulfiantono,S.Hut,M.S.I.
Controlling forest ecosystems of Merapi Volcano National Park
Local Wisdom Supporting Disaster Mitigation
Mount Merapi listed as one of the most active volcano in the world. Its existence gives many blessings and benefits to the surrounding community, but also has the potential disasters that have negative consequences. Eruptions at the times and show the public awareness is very important to always be maintained so that mitigation efforts and have a real value of sustainability. Now, when the forest is in the management of Merapi Volcano National Park (MVNP), of course, be a part of disaster mitigation efforts that should always be pursued. Mitigation efforts should involve various stakeholders, including local communities.
Local people generally have local knowledge and ecological wisdom in predicting and mitigating natural disasters in the region. Local knowledge is usually obtained from the rich empirical experience from interacting with its ecosystem. An example is the eruption event Merapi Volcano in 2006; where there is an increase in activity until the ‘CAUTION’ level with the consequences of people living in the area of Merapi Volcano have been evacuated. Displacement began with the help of officials and volunteers. Mbah Maridjan (care taker of Merapi Volcano) and relatives are not showing anxiety and nervousness, still remain calm. “Why not take refuge Mbah? Mbah Marijan replied calmly, "There's what? G Merapi would not erupt at this time, still coughing and exhaust it does not lead here. So why do I need to fuss, and I have yet to be news of the 'Lord of Merapi'.”
Opini of Kedaulatan Rakyat News 19 November 2009
Indonesia is one area that is in the "Ring of Fire" volcanoes. There are 129 active volcanoes that extends from the islands of Sumatra, Java, Indonesia to the east. This is the path which experts later called ring of fire. Be aware that behind the beauty of mountain peaks, the beauty of green forests, fertile regions, the cool mountains of fact there is a tremendous threat that must always be wary of.
Awareness of the catastrophic eruption of the Merapi Volcano in the form shown by the ability to predict the likelihood of an eruption. Mbah Maridjan and his relatives refused to evacuate because they have not obtained the natural signs of Merapi Volcano will erupt, such as (1) the decline of wild animals out of the ordinary summit in normal environmental conditions, (2) birds or other animals are still read, (3) the trees near the summit Merai no one has died withered / dry.
In ethics, the use of natural indicators are quite reasonable considering the different types of animals with instincts have high sensitivity to perceive the ever increasing levels of soil temperature due to increased volcanic activity, so they change places (Triyoga; 1991). In addition, in avoiding the risk of catastrophic eruption of Merapi Volcano, local residents on the slopes of Merapi Volcano, also have local knowledge in building settlements in an environment full of natural disaster risk volcanic eruptions. Settlements are usually clustered on flat land surrounded by fields.
The houses are always set up facing the opposite direction of Merapi Volcano. That is, based on the views of those, so that these houses are not entered into the spirits who inhabit the Merapi Volcano bullies. However, the conduct can be interpreted that the dwelling houses were built facing the main road that ran north-south or south-north to had the eruption occurred, they can quickly escape to the main street of the village.
The challenge for us all is how we can fully enjoy and appreciate the natural wealth and simultaneously to address and avoid the negative impact of natural events that we call the natural disaster. Ki Hajar Dewantara and pass on our knowledge and ultimate knowledge, namely 3N: Niteni, Niroake, and Nambahake (Kadiman, 2006).
Niteni (‘titen’ basic words) are the behaviors that characterize the educated can be obtained through school or through knowledge passed down through generations to always want to know and recognize the nature. With the provision of this niteni, it is known that the soil became infertile due to the eruption of a volcano that spewed various elements of a comprehensive nature and after a while it will complement the nutrients in the soil.
If niteni focus on efforts to find and recognize a variety of natural events. Niroake or imitation is the next step of the niteni, which is trying to mimic the natural events that have been known and understood for the purpose of meeting human needs. While nambahake is an effort to add value from a natural occurrence that has been in control and can be imitated them.
Seismic vibrations caused by volcanic activity, down-rising temperature, air pressure, a shift in the magnetic patterns, changes in animal behavior, are some examples of the signs of nature that may be caused by friction and collision of earth plates. By recognizing the nature of this behavior, then we can imitate, certainly not perfect due to various limitations. In the science of logic, niroake effort (mimicking) is then known as the simulation is widely used as an effort to meet our needs. Through these simulations we can give early warning of volcanic eruptions. Mbah Maridjan Titen practiced, caretaker of Merapi Volcano, which is actually a holistic approach that is complementary 3N of logical science: geology, geophysics, and biophysics.
Therefore, the presence of Merapi Festival 2009 event at Kusnadi Hardjasumantri Building UGM, 15 November 2009 with the theme "Living in Harmony with Merapi Disaster" can be appreciated positive expectations. Because this event has the primary purpose of conveying information about the ecological functions and disaster mitigation in the region of Mount Merapi to the public. Even more so in the event there are several activities: 1. Exhibition (video/movie, posters, mockups sabo, and disaster education modules) 2. Demonstration Bousai Duck & Dance (dance and children's games from Japan-related disasters); 3. Race (drawing, painting, trim mockups of traditional food, photography, caricature); 4. Local comedy show "Chat Angkring", about the management of the eruptions and sediment mining activities. Hope this is the end of the event can be achieved Sustainable Merapi; Prosperous Communities. Hope.
Yogyakarta, 9 November 2009
Arif Sulfiantono,S.Hut,M.S.I.
Controlling forest ecosystems of Merapi Volcano National Park
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